F.I.C.O. Eataly World – structure of reference for the permanent dissemination of knowledge of Italian agri-food in the world. A farm factory, a place for food education, where Italian undertakings tell the story of the food supply chain process. Stefani supplies commercial evaporators for creating 4 working laboratories open to the public. Processing of: culatello, mortadella, salami and meats.
Park data:
80,000 m² of surface area
3,000,000 visitors a year

F.I.C.O. Eataly World – structure of reference for the permanent dissemination of knowledge of Italian agri-food in the world. A farm factory, a place for food education, where Italian undertakings tell the story of the food supply chain process. Stefani supplies commercial evaporators for creating 4 working laboratories open to the public. Processing of: culatello, mortadella, salami and meats.
Park data:
80,000 m² of surface area
3,000,000 visitors a year